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Beware, the venom in our heart doesn’t pollute our soul and destroy our efforts in the furtherance of the Kingdom. Beware, the damage our words have done; does our speech edify or disparage. Beware, being zealously committed to efforts that bring disrepute to the Lord. Beware, self-deceit is insidious it masquerades as a perverted form of righteousness. Beware, being so “caught up” regarding End Times; we neglect the lost; we must be Faithful and work; the Harvest is ripe.

Beware, the admonition; the heart is desperately wicked and incurably ill. We are not as righteous as we may believe ourselves to be. Beware, we are accountable for being an obstacle; obey the commandment; love your neighbor. Beware, that our lack is self-control; humility; patience; compassion; kindness; truthfulness; and, genuine disregard for others; doesn’t make us an enemy of the Cross. Beware; and, understand; time wasted on distractions harden our hearts and decreases our ability to hear His voice.    By Ron Levi